8 Easy PCOS Lunch Ideas

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Lunch is one of the hardest meals of the day because you are busy working and in the thick of the day. You don’t have a ton of time to make something easily.

However, it is still important to eat a balanced lunch to re-energize your body and fuel you for the rest of the day.

To make your life easier, I will share what constitutes a good lunch for women with PCOS and give you some PCOS lunch ideas. The good news is that a PCOS lunch can be quick, easy, and filling.

What Should a Healthy PCOS Lunch Look Like?

A PCOS lunch should include several components to re-energize you and keep you running.  

If you read my post about the best PCOS breakfast you will know that it involves the same framework but the lunch ideas below are different.

Let’s dive into the framework so you can build a healthy and satisfying PCOS lunch.

  1. Protein

Protein is a must for women with PCOS. 

Why is protein so important? 

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Protein helps to fill you and does not spike your blood sugars. This is especially helpful because the majority of women with PCOS have some level of insulin resistance.

Make sure you include a portion of protein with every meal.

Some great protein choices are:

  • Eggs

  • Protein powder

  • Chicken

  • Organic grass-fed beef

  • Greek yogurt


2. Healthy Fats

Healthy fats also should be part of your meal.

Healthy fats also help to blunt blood sugar spikes and leaves you filling full.

When you have a filling meal you are less likely to experience those nasty sugar cravings.

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Great healthy fat choices:

  • Olive oil

  • Avocado oil

  • Avocado

  • Nuts

  • Seeds like pumpkin, and sunflower

  • Nut butter

  • Olives

3. Complex Carbohydrates

You don’t need to completely remove carbs from your diet, you just need to be smart about which ones you choose.

Complex carbohydrates are a wonderful choice for women with PCOS because they are full of fiber and are nutrient-dense. They also break down slowly in the digestive tract and as a result won’t cause a sudden blood sugar spike.

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Complex carbohydrates to include:

  • Old-fashioned oats

  • Sweet potatoes (try the purple variety- they are my favorite)

  • Sprouted grain bread

  • Quinoa

  • Lentils and beans

  • Barley

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4. Vegetables and Fruit

Every doctor I know will tell you to eat your fruits and veggies. And there is good reason, they are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients that help our bodies function.

Ideally, your plate should be about 50% vegetables. If you can’t do that at first, start with a small serving of things you enjoy and gradually add more.

Experiment with varieties of vegetables and prepare them in different ways. Spices and seasonings will help tremendously.

There are a lot of myths out there about PCOS and fruit. Don’t be afraid to eat fruit. Fruit offers a lot of antioxidants and health benefits.

Not sure which fruits to include? You can read more about the best fruits for PCOS.

8 Easy PCOS Lunch Ideas | PCOSLiving.com.jpg

Vegetables and fruits to include:

  • Spinach and other greens

  • Onions

  • Mushrooms

  • Squash

  • Cucumbers

  • Tomatoes

  • Carrots

  • Broccoli

  • Cauliflower

  • Strawberries

  • Blueberries

  • Raspberries

Here are 8 Easy PCOS Friendly Lunch Ideas

1. Salmon over baby spinach

I know you want quick and healthy so this one is a winner. You can use canned salmon, no need to grill or cook a fresh piece of salmon but more power to you if you do and have the time to do it! Want a little more flavor? Use olive oil and vinegar as a dressing for it.

2. Turkey wrap with an apple

Make yourself a delicious turkey wrap. Get some deli turkey breast, add a little avocado, lettuce, cheese, mayo, mustard, and put it on a low carb wrap. I like Tumaro’s low carb wraps-they come in a ton of different varieties like chia, oat, ancient grains, honey wheat, etc and they taste great and are easily found in the grocery store. Don’t forget to throw in an apple and you will be good to go for the afternoon.

3. Beet, goat cheese, broccoli salad

This one is super easy to make. You can purchase cut-up canned beets, so you don’t have to worry about cooking them which honestly takes forever. Steam up some broccoli the night before either on the stove or in my personal fav the instapot. Cut up about an ounce or so of goat cheese and mix it all together. It is sure to please.

8 Easy PCOS Lunch Ideas | PCOSLiving.com.jpg

RELATED: The Best PCOS Dinners

4. Hummus with crackers and veggies

Sometimes you just want a light lunch. You’re in a rush and might even have to multi-task to just get a bite in. I get it. I love having hummus with crackers, carrots, and cucumbers.

5. Chicken salad wrap with blueberries

Make your own chicken salad. You can either make it with leftover chicken from a previous meal or buy canned chicken. Include some greens like lettuce or spinach, add some avocado and cheese, and put it on a low-carb wrap. Have some blueberries on the side and this lunch will be sure to please.

6. Hard-boiled eggs with veggies and fruit

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These protein champs can be easily made the night before so you can grab them and go in the morning. Pair them with some of your favorite veggies and a serving of fruit and you will have yourself a quick and healthy lunch that satisfies.

7. Chickpea cucumber salad

Crack open a can of chickpeas, cut up some cut cucumbers, and add a little salt, pepper, feta cheese, and olive oil. Feel free to add any other veggies you like. Maybe some tomatoes, peppers, olives, spinach, carrots. It will leave you feeling full.

8. Bean and cheese quesadilla

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Use some low carb wraps and sprinkle in some shredded cheese, beans (black, kidney, or white), and some spinach and grill to perfection. Feel free to use some salsa, guacamole, or sour cream to dip them in. Yum!


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A Healthy PCOS Lunch Will Keep Your Energy Up and Prevent the Afternoon Slump

Eating a PCOS-friendly lunch can help you avoid that dreaded afternoon slump. When you eat to fuel your body, you will reap the rewards and feel great!  Remember a smart PCOS lunch includes protein, healthy fats, a complex carb, and vegetables and fruits.

Looking for more PCOS Diet advice, then check out 6 PCOS diet tips you must follow.

Find meal planning hard? Check out my favorite meal planning service eMeals and get a FREE 2-week trial.

The items listed above are accompanied by affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if a purchase is made through my links. This has no impact on the cost to the consumer. I link to products this way whenever possible, and it has no bearing on the products I choose to review or recommend.


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8 Easy PCOS lunch ideas to fuel you for the rest of the day! Read to find out how to improve your PCOS symptoms today with these quick and easy lunch ideas.