The Best Fruits for PCOS


Post Updated 6/26/2020

There is a lot of confusion surrounding PCOS and fruit.

Are fruits good for PCOS?

Which types of fruit should you eat?

What fruits should you avoid when you have PCOS?

Hopefully, this post can put some of your fears to rest and give you the guidance that you need when it comes to eating a balanced and healthy PCOS diet.

Yes, some fruits are better than others for women with PCOS, but fruits pack a lot of vitamins and healthy nutrients that shouldn’t be overlooked. Fruits can and should be part of your PCOS diet.

Here are some of the best fruits for PCOS.

The Best Fruits for PCOS


Blueberries are great because they contain a flavonoid called anthocyanin. Anthocyanin has an antioxidant effect which helps ward off diseases, like cancer and heart disease.

Studies show that blueberries have been found to have the highest antioxidant levels of all common fruits.


Blueberries can also improve bone strength, skin health, and blood pressure, they lower your cholesterol, prevent constipation, and can improve insulin sensitivity.

They are high in vitamin C and fiber and low in calories.

They are a good fruit to incorporate into your PCOS diet.


Raspberries are another fruit loaded with antioxidants. They also contain polyphenols which help decrease cell damage from free radicals. They also help prevent your risk for cancer.

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They also help reduce insulin resistance. This study showed that individuals who were overweight with prediabetes or insulin resistance had better glucose control when they ate more raspberries.

Raspberries are also high in vitamin C and low in carbs.

They also contain a lot of fiber. You get a whopping 8 grams of fiber in a cup of raspberries.

Raspberries are a fruit that is good for PCOS.

Apples contain fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, and flavonoids. Apples help fight off cancer, prevent dementia, and reduce your risk of stroke, diabetes, and obesity.

They also help with weight loss according to this study. Apples should be on your list of foods to eat with PCOS.

Apples also promote good digestive health. And having a healthy gut has been shown to be more important than ever in fighting off disease.

So maybe you should listen to the age-old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”



Strawberries pack a lot of vitamin C, in fact, one serving will get you 160% of your daily value of vitamin C. They also contain fiber, folic acid, and potassium.

Strawberries are also full of antioxidants that help fend off cancer. They also help to lower your blood pressure and increase your HDL (good) cholesterol.

They are composed mostly of water which makes them very low in carbs.

Strawberries should be included in a diet for polycystic ovarian syndrome.



Kiwi offers a host of benefits including reducing blood pressure and preventing heart disease and stroke. They aid in digestion, reduce blood clotting, protect your eyes, and they also help with skin tone and texture.

According to this study, due to their high vitamin C content, kiwis may help treat people with asthma.

Kiwis contain fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, vitamin K, and magnesium.

Kiwi should be a PCOS food you should try.


Cherries help reduce inflammation, fight free radicals in the body, help you sleep better, lower blood pressure, and help you lose weight.

Studies show that individuals who consumed cherries effectively reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

They are a great source of potassium and B vitamins; they also have the bonus of fiber.

The many benefits of cherries make them some of the best fruits for PCOS.

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Hopefully, this list of the best fruits for PCOS helps you expand your PCOS diet and satisfy you! Fruit is a great way to satisfy a craving for something sweet while helping your body do all the work it needs to do. Don’t be afraid to include fruit into your diet, they have many benefits for PCOS.


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