5 Things You Must Do When You Find Out You Are Pregnant

5 things you must do when you find out you're pregnant // I'm pregnant now what // what to do when pregnant for the first time // Healthy Pregnancy Advice // Preparing for pregnancy | PCOSLiving.com #pcosliving #pregnancy #pregnancytips #pregna…

There is no greater gift than being able to bring life into this world!

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

If you are reading this, you are a first-time momma (the veteran moms already nailed this before)! That is so exciting!

But let's also be real and state the obvious...shit just got real! You are now responsible for a tiny little human being or beings.

The wave of emotions can range from excitement, celebration, and joy to fear and anxiety. Relax, it is all normal! But if you are anything like me, you want to be prepared for what is ahead and crush it. So here are my tips from someone who has been there and done it!


1. Make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamin

Hopefully, you were taking prenatals before you conceived but if you weren't, as soon as you get that positive on the stick you need to be taking a prenatal vitamin.

Babies need specific vitamins and nutrients to help them develop and grow. One specific thing that babies need is folic acid. A lack of folic acid can lead to a birth defect called spina bifida which is when the baby's spinal cord fails to develop properly.

Also, make sure you are taking a quality DHA supplement because that aids in cognitive and eye development (aka a smarty pants). The one I recommended above is an excellent choice and the one I personally took because it is plant-based so no fishy burps that make you want to hurl.


2. Schedule your first appointment with your OB/GYN.

If you don't have one, now is the time to interview potential candidates.

The OB/GYN will confirm your pregnancy and estimate how far along you are. Usually, the first appointment is around 8 weeks.

Every OB/GYN is different though so call your office right away and find out how they proceed. After they confirm that you are pregnant, they will most likely set up your first ultrasound appointment and this is where you first get to see your bundle of joy.


3. Know what toxins to avoid. What's pregnancy approved.

There are A LOT of restrictions during pregnancy. Things you can't eat, do or should steer clear of.

But you know what the scary thing is? Most women have no idea about these things because their doctors don't really tell them!!!

In all of my appointments, after the classic urine tests, blood pressure, weight check, and listening to the heartbeat, the doctor put the ball in my court and asked "what else can we do for you or how are you feeling".

If you don't know the right questions to be asking, you probably won't get the information. Sad but true! 

But as a first-time mom, you don't know what you don't know! So let me make it easy for you, get my guide that outlines the things that you need to know about.

I wish something like this existed when I was pregnant! It would have made my life a lot easier. 

Since there wasn't anything close to this available, I knew I needed to create something to help out other first-time mommas from worrying and stressing.




4. Invest in comfortable bras and underwear.

Trust me on this one! Your body will be changing A LOT! And you want to be comfortable.

Your boobs will throb and will get bigger (for some this will be much welcomed and for others this will be a curse). Personally, I would avoid underwire, it will dig in and be extremely uncomfortable.

You might want to even consider investing in a good nursing bra if you are thinking about breastfeeding. Plus you are going to want underwear that will fit with your ever-growing bump.


5. Get your rest

This one is so cliché I know. But trust me it is true! Once that baby is here, forget about sleeping.

My first trimester, I was more physically tired than anything. I never knew how exhausting it was to grow a human. Sleep when you can and if you have the opportunity to take some naps then do it!

As the baby grows, sleeping becomes very difficult because it is nearly impossible to get comfortable. I did find that this wedge helped me. I would put this pillow under my bump and it helped relieve some of the pressure off my hips.


Want to stress less during pregnancy? Then make sure you get my comprehensive guide to what you should avoid during pregnancy. This is what the doctors don't tell you but should!



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5 things you must do when you find out you're pregnant // I'm pregnant now what // what to do when pregnant for the first time // Healthy Pregnancy Advice // Preparing for pregnancy | PCOSLiving.com #pcosliving #pregnancy #pregnancytips #pregna…

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