Treatments to Manage PCOS Symptoms | PCOS Living

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PCOS LIVING's 5 Most Popular Blog Posts From 2018

Personally, 2018 for me was a year of figuring out my rhythm as a mom. Motherhood while it is rewarding is also challenging. And this year, I am proud to say that I found my groove!

Did 2018 turn out the way you had hoped?

The great thing about the new year is it is a fresh start. You determine how you want things to go.

You have the power to make changes. They will be hard and there will be missteps along the way, but as long as you don’t give up, you will succeed.

I believe in you and that you are capable of living your best life. Never give up hope.

As always, thank you for being a loyal reader, and for connecting with me. I can't wait to help you with more posts, resources, tools, and tips! Get ready 2019 because you are going to be one for the books. I can feel it!

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Here are my most popular posts for 2018. These were the most viewed, read, and shared posts by you!

  1. 4 Natural Alternatives to Metformin

Do you have high blood sugar levels?

Do you struggle with insulin resistance?

Has your doctor mentioned the prescription drug metformin to you?

Before doing anything, you should always research and discuss your options with a doctor.

But there are natural alternatives that have proven very successful in controlling blood sugar levels in women with PCOS. If you are looking to go the natural route, then this is the post for you!

2. How I go pregnant naturally with PCOS in 2 months.

Want to start a family?

You probably feel discouraged that doctors think you won’t get pregnant because you have PCOS. This post about how I got pregnant naturally with PCOS in 2 months will lift you up and give you hope.

It is possible to have kids and I share my secrets as to how I did it.

3. 8 signs your body is inflamed and how to fix it

Inflammation is no joke.

But how do you know if your body is inflamed?

And what do you do if it is inflamed? This posts covers symptoms and solutions to your problems.

4. 6 PCOS Diet rules you must follow

If you are confused about what you should and shouldn’t eat for PCOS, you are not alone. It can be confusing.

In this post, I breakdown 6 important rules for you to follow that will simplify things and get you on track to good health.

5. 4 Foods that lower testosterone in women with PCOS

PCOS is accompanied by higher levels of androgen’s like testosterone.

If you suffer from acne, excess hair growth, hair loss or thinning these are signs that you have excess testosterone.

This post talks about the foods that can help you naturally lower your testosterone levels.

What was your favorite post of 2018? Let me know in the comments below. Are there any topics you want to know more about in 2019?

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