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6 Must-Haves When Trying to Conceive with PCOS

If you are trying to conceive with PCOS, you have come to the right place. While trying to get pregnant with PCOS can be a challenge for some women, there are some must-haves that can help you on your journey to motherhood. Here are the products you should have on hand to help you conceive with PCOS.

The items listed are accompanied by affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if a purchase is made through my links. This has no impact on the cost to the consumer. I link to products this way whenever possible, and it has no bearing on the products I choose to review or recommend.

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Trying to Conceive with PCOS Must-Haves

  1. Ovasitol

Ovasitol is my favorite PCOS supplement for many reasons but it can be extremely beneficial for women looking to conceive.

Ovasitol helps to promote egg quality, regulates menstrual cycles, and promotes normal hormone levels. It can even reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

Here is a fun fact, I was taking Ovasitol when I got pregnant with my daughter and I got pregnant on the first try.

There are a lot of studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of inositol for fertility and pregnancy. If you want all the facts and numbers then make sure you read my detailed post about inositol for PCOS where I break down all of the research studies.

Want to know more about Ovasitol? Then make sure you read my Ovasitol Review.

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2. OvuSense

A lot of women with PCOS have irregular menstrual cycles which can delay ovulation. This can make timing intercourse tricky. If you don’t know when you are fertile it can be almost impossible to get pregnant. If this is something that you struggle with then I recommend you check out OvuSense.

OvuSense is the most advanced home fertility monitor. It measures continuous Core Body Temperature using a specially designed vaginal sensor clinically proven in 2 trials and 6 clinical publications. 

OvuSense is able to track your fluctuations in progesterone and can predict ovulation 24 hours in advance using the cycle data and can confirm the exact date of ovulation with 99% accuracy, and can discover your unique pattern each cycle. This is why this tracker is recommended for women with PCOS. 

If your cycle is irregular, using OvuSense is probably one of the best ways to track ovulation with PCOS.

Interested in trying it?

Use codes to get a discount:

KELLY20 – 20% off standard OvuSense

KELLYPRO – 30% off OvuSense Pro

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3. Prenatal

It is important that you are taking a quality prenatal before trying to conceive with PCOS

It takes 90 days for the egg to mature before ovulation. So you want to make sure you are taking those at least 90 days before you begin trying to get pregnant. 

Prenatals will not only improve your egg quality they are also essential for providing the nutrients to the growing fetus as it is forming and developing.

I am very picky when it comes to choosing a prenatal because it involves creating a life and you want to make sure the prenatal is pure. Here are my choices for the best prenatal vitamins for PCOS.


4. Sperm-Friendly Lubricants

Studies show that lubricants can actually affect sperm motility. And that is no good if your goal is to get pregnant!

You want a lubricant that is sperm-friendly. One of the best brands that is constantly recommended by doctors is Pre-Seed.

Pre-Seed was developed by a reproductive physiologist and is often used in fertility clinics and recommended by doctors. This lube is formulated to mimic your own fluids so sperm can swim freely.

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5. Pregnancy Tests

The two-week wait can be brutal. You are so excited and are counting down the days until you can test. I would recommend having a few pregnancy tests on hand so you don’t constantly have to run out to the store.

I have found the first response tests to be the most accurate and the ones that I used both times.

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There are all kinds that are on the market including digital but I found the double lines to be simple and easy to read.

I have heard though that it is better to use pregnancy tests that use red lines vs. blue lines because the red lines are less likely to display evaporation lines. Just some food for thought. There is nothing worse than getting your hopes up.

6. Pregnancy Guide

Once you find out that you have created life, it is important to make sure you are doing the right things to help your baby grow and develop. 

While pregnancy can be exciting it can also be stressful and scary and no one ever really tells you all the things you shouldn’t be doing. They just tell you to take your vitamins, eat right, and exercise.

Ok, that is all well and good but did you know that there are things you shouldn’t be eating, exercises you shouldn’t be doing, and certain beauty products that can cause birth defects???

I created a detailed guide to help keep you informed so you don’t need to stress out and you can enjoy your pregnancy. In fact, this guide can help prepare your body for pregnancy. I implemented a lot of these changes before I got pregnant and I think it really helped me.

Must-Haves for Getting Pregnant with PCOS

These trying to conceive must-haves should improve your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy. I wish you luck and hope you have the pregnancy you have always dreamed of!

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