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8 Foods to Avoid If You have PCOS

Post Updated on 10/6/19

There is so much confusion about what to eat. Most Americans have no clue what actually is healthy. This can be even more frustrating when you have PCOS.

All the latest studies say that XYZ is bad for you and the next day they turn around and say that it is good for you.

How is anyone supposed to make heads or tails of this?

I know it has thrown me for a loop a few times. So, if you feel like your head is spinning and don’t know what to do, you are not alone.

I’m going to break down the list of foods that you should avoid if you have PCOS.

These foods will only aggravate your symptoms. We don’t want that! The goal is to alleviate your PCOS symptoms and help you feel better and get back to being your kick-ass self.

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How does my diet affect my PCOS?

Diet plays a major role in the severity of PCOS symptoms.

How is that? 

Let me break down how what you eat can play a role in contributing to your PCOS symptoms. When you eat, the body produces insulin. Certain foods and drinks (particularly carbs) will cause your blood sugar levels to rise more.  The majority of women with PCOS have insulin resistance and difficulty regulating their insulin levels.

Over time, insulin resistance can lead to pre-diabetes and eventually diabetes if it is not properly addressed. In fact, more than 50% of women with PCOS will develop pre-diabetes or diabetes by the age of 40.

Women who struggle with insulin regulation tend to be overweight and have a difficult time losing weight. And this can contribute to difficulty with sleep, joint pain, and even infertility. PCOS is the leading cause of female infertility.

Following a PCOS diet can be beneficial for improving your symptoms and help you feel better than you ever did!

Foods to avoid if you have PCOS

If you want to heal your body and improve your symptoms you need to avoid or eliminate foods that will cause inflammation, spike your blood sugars, and that promote weight gain. Here are the eight foods that are the biggest offenders to your health and PCOS.

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1.      Added Sugars

The real enemy is sugar! This is the cold, hard truth!

Sugar is like the bad boy that girls are drawn to. And we all know how that ends: in tears with a broken heart! We want them to be good for us, but we know it will never work out.

Too much sugar in your diet can lead to weight gain, acne, diabetes, increased risk for heart disease, cancer, depression, fatty liver, premature aging, decreased energy, and tooth decay.

One of the worst offenders is high fructose corn syrup. This one is probably one of the worst because it is genetically modified. Anytime food is modified you are adding chemicals and unnatural ingredients.

 Studies show that high fructose corn syrup can metabolic dysregulation.  

Here is a list of added sugar you should avoid (the food industry likes to disguise sugar under these names):

  • agave syrup

  • brown sugar

  • cane juice and cane syrup

  • confectioners’ sugar

  • corn sweetener and corn syrup

  • dextrose

  • fructose

  • fruit juice concentrates

  • glucose

  • granulated white sugar

  • high-fructose corn syrup

  • honey

  • invert sugar

  • lactose

  • maltose

  • malt syrup

  • molasses

  • raw sugar

  • sucrose

  • syrup

According to the American Heart Association, women should not eat more than 6 teaspoons or 25 grams of sugar or 100 calories per day.

Try to pay attention to what you are eating and how much sugar it contains. You would be surprised where sugar is hiding.

It is time to bet on yourself. You can beat this! If you need a reminder, click here to get your t-shirt, tank or mug right now.

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2.      Processed foods

Today’s society has become so fast-paced, that we are constantly in a rush to move onto the next thing. With that mentality, comes the need for convenience. We need something quick and easy. So we turn towards processed and prepackaged foods. They taste decent and get the job done. Problem solved! Wrong! While we might have solved the problem of what to eat, we are contributing to our health problems.

A good rule to follow is if you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t be eating it. This isn’t chemistry class; the ingredients should be whole foods that you have heard of.

Here are some processed foods to avoid:

  • Cookies

  • Cakes

  • Candy

  • Sweets

  • Yogurts with added sugars

  • Cereals

  • Ice cream

  • Processed meats like hot dogs and sausage

Look for foods with 5 or fewer ingredients. A great example of this is the RX bars. They are made from only real ingredients. I love them for a quick snack when I’m headed out to the park with my son.

Or better yet, make your own version of some of your favorite foods. This way you CONTROL what is in it!  Here’s a list of my favorite PCOS snacks.

It is always better to eat at home vs. dining out or getting take out.


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3.     Alcohol

Women with PCOS are more likely to have fatty liver disease. If you are more prone to indulge, alcohol can be associated with liver disease.

The best way to manage fatty liver to eat a balanced diet and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Having a glass of wine every now and then should hurt you but regular consumption of mixed drinks that are high in sugar could lead to some issues.

Looking for the secret to PCOS weight loss? This plan is for you. Click the link below! 

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4.      White flours

Another chronic offender is white flour. Yes, that includes bread, pasta, and potatoes, and most breakfast foods. Let’s have a moment of silence for these foods.

Foods with white flour are proven to spike blood sugars. Remember with PCOS you want to stabilize your blood sugars. Need help with that? Check out this post on 10 ways to reduce insulin resistance naturally.

I won’t lie, giving up these foods will be difficult, and you will crave it but in the long run, your body will thank you.

There are other flours that you can use that won’t cause blood sugar spikes. One of my personal favorites is almond flour.

Craving pasta? I know pasta was the hardest one for me, but I have found other alternatives that work. Want to know my secret weapon when I want some pasta? It is this!

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5.      Low-fat foods

You’re probably thinking this doesn’t make sense?

Well here’s the skinny on low-fat foods (pun intended) they remove the fat and pump the food with sugar. The food industry does this because it wouldn’t be palatable without the fat. If they didn’t add all of the sugar to replace the fat, no one would eat it.

Studies show that fat doesn’t make you fat! It is those damn sugars to blame! Can’t the bad boys leave us alone??


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6.      Soy

Soy is a phytoestrogen which means that it acts like estrogen in the body.

When you eat a lot of soy, your body gets confused and thinks it doesn’t need to make as much estrogen, so it slows down production. Slowing down the production of estrogen can prevent the body from ovulating. If you aren’t ovulating you can’t get pregnant. 

Soy also impacts the efficiency of your thyroid. Women with PCOS are more likely to experience thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism.


7.      Sodas and juices

Sodas and juices are nothing but empty calories that spike your blood sugars.

They have no nutritional value, whatsoever.

And these beverages won’t fill you either.

Studies show that higher consumption of sugary beverages has been linked with an increased risk of premature death. 

This can be a tough habit to break but there are solutions like seltzer (my beverage of choice) and fruit infused water. Check out this pitcher that allows you infuse fruit and tea and it comes with an ebook filled with recipes. Score!!

Another option to try is a green smoothie. Green smoothies are great for PCOS because they contain antioxidants and a ton of vitamins and nutrients.

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8.      Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are dangerous! Stay away!

These include Aspartame, Acesulfame-K, Saccharin, Sucralose. Studies show they have been linked to cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

These sweeteners leave you craving more sweets. They act like a drug and activate your pleasure zones in the brain, so you are left wanting more. It is a vicious cycle.

Artificial sweeteners are also shown to alter your gut health. There has been more and more of a focus on how gut health can contribute to your overall health and the absence or presence of disease.

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 The Importance of Following a PCOS Diet

Diet plays a big part in keeping PCOS symptoms under control. Phasing out these eight items can help you get started on a healthier you. Need help getting a diet and fitness plan mapped out? Check out the 7-Day PCOS Pounds Blastoff. No more guesswork, just the method to kick PCOS in the ass. 

The items listed above are accompanied by affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if a purchase is made through my links. This has no impact on the cost to the consumer. I link to products this way whenever possible, and it has no bearing on the products I choose to review or recommend.

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